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Food sustainability

What is ReFood?

ReFood is an organisation that is operating in many countries over Europe including England, Denmark, Spain and Germany. ReFood is recycling food waste and turning it to green energy. The ReFood recycling process begins with the collection of food waste tailored to your requirements. 


Once the food has arrived at the ReFood plant, the staff then use innovative systems to de-package the food waste and separate all the different materials for recycling to ensure that none of it goes to landfill. The food waste is then generated into renewable energy, in addition to this, the food waste is also turned into DynArgo; a high quality fertiliser rich in nutrients such as nitrogen.


How is food turned into energy?

To start off with food is placed into food waste bins. Following a strict schedule trucks come to pick up the bins and replace them with new sanitised ones. This is to keep the high hygiene levels maintained. When dropped off at the plant, food waste is separated from packaging. Once it is pure food waste, organic matter is broken down in an oxygen-free environment. It’s in this process that a large amount of biogas and heat is produced, which is made up of Carbon Dioxide and Methane. The gases produced is the energy and whats left is used as fertiliser. These will get exported around the UK.

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