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Food wastage is a massive problem, we all love eating food but how much are we throwing out and why is it a problem? Here are some important statistics:


-We as Australians discard about 20% of the food we purchase


-Around 40% of the average household bin is food waste


- Aussies throw out around 8 billion dollars and 4 million tonnes of food a year


-If you add up all the food Australia wastes a year it can fill 450 000 garbage trucks


-An estimated 20-40% of fruit and vegetables are rejected before they reach the shops


So why do we throw out all this food? The Main reasons for food waste are:


-We cook too much food


-We don’t know what to do with the leftovers


-Food is mistakenly thrown out before the use-by date


-We don’t check the cupboard or fridge before going shopping.


-We buy takeaway instead of cooking the food we have at home


Food Waste

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