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Pros and Cons


Food Scraps get turned into energy reducing the need for harmful fuels (Eg Fossil)


Its very easy and cheap energy


It's a reliable source of energy because people will always have food scraps


Gives ideas to people to think more about reusing things


Turning food into energy kills two birds with one stone helping prevent both food waste and energy problems.


Cost a lot to build factories


Public still not convinced it will be any better


Produces toxic ash as by product


Building sites for toxic ash

Overall Analysis

So after looking at the good and the bad of a waste to energy plant i have made a final conclusion that even though there are some bad things about the plant like the toxic ash and it costs a lot to build. It's worth building these plants they produce something so needed to save the planet who cares what its by products are. So in conclusion i've decided that they do more good than bad.​

Advantages and Disadvantages of ReFood


Provides lots of jobs                                          


Less landfill


More energy for less money


Fertilizer helping produce more crops






May not catch the attention of the people  (too much effort)


Cost a lot to maintain (trucks)


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