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Food Sustainability


Waste is stored in landfill as it slowly breaks down. The problem with it is that it's taking up useful land with unwanted waste. By 2020 England's landfill is expected to be full, as well as other landfill sites. Vision 2020 is a program to ban food waste going to landfill and reduce the amount of general waste going to landfill by 15%. Landfil sites produce methane and carbon dioxide which can be harmful to ecosystems. One way to reduce the amount of landfill is to make sure that any recyclable waste is not sent to landfill and is instead sent to be recycled into new products. Food waste is a big problem in today's society and a lot of it is sent to landfill. To reduce the amount of food waste going to landfill is to turn it into other useful things like green energy and compost.



People of all ages need to understand why it is good to recycle food and how they can even do it themselves. At the moment there are no laws about what to do with food waste, but if governments got involed it would be easier to educate peope about what to do. Even if the businesses already doing useful things with their food waste just showed that they are, more people would what can be done

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